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Artifact (Custom) Dice

$55.00 - $140.00

There are fewer more difficult things in the world than making a new character. Naming one can be the hardest part! How do you catch their mood in their stats? How many points can you truly put in personality? A dice pool doesn’t represent their aesthetics or appearance…

Well maybe it could. Put your faith in our Crystal Smith and contact them with all your heart desires.

Share your inspirations, your artwork, your thoughts and feelings to help us craft the perfect set just for you. Draw inspiration from the rest of the shop or start a conversation from scratch. With dozens of dyes, pigments, glitter, and goodies are at your disposal.

Now available in liquid core sets. (*Note: Crystal d4 will not have a liquid core, but the rest of the set will)

Use the Contact Me page to reach out through the aether to get a set of dice just for you.


Available as:
D&D Set ( d6, d8, d10, d10 percentile die, d12, d20, and crystal d4)
D10 set: 10 d10s
D6 Set - 10 d6s
D20 30mm Chonk

Each set is lovingly crafted by our Crystal Smith. Some variances may occur.
4-6 week turnaround time.
Questions or requests please DM.