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Omakase blind bag.


A term often used in fine dining it means to have the chef choose the meal for you, knowing that they have something truly special for you. A surprise and delight catered to your tastes.

While our Crystal Smith isn't too much of a cook he certainly knows how to shape the perfect surprise.

You could receive an existing unreleased set or you could possibly get something one of a kind that is made on that day! You could even be lucky and get the first iteration of something for the future! The possibilities are endless!

So with a little trust and a blacked out bag, we ask you to pull up to our table and let the Smith make some forbidden candy for you.

Available as:
D&D 8 Die Set ( d6, barrel d6, d8, d10, d10 percentile die, d12, d20, and crystal d4)
d10 set: 10 d10s
Pip Dice - 10 d6s

Each set is lovingly crafted by our Crystal Smith. Some variances may occur.
2-4 week turnaround time.
Questions or requests please DM.